About PNN
Since 2010, PNN has specialized in assisting internationally trained professionals reach their career goals by bridging the gap between education, experience, culture and employment. Our goal is to help ITPs acquire the information, training and resources they need to be successful in securing a career in their field in Northern Ontario.
Funded by the Government of Ontario, Professions North/Nord provides services to Northern Ontario employers in recruitment, job matching, résumé screening and employee retention.

Our Team
Project Manager
Scott Fisher, BA, MAIOP, CCDP
705-222-1766 x2
Coordinator, Communication and Administration
Lisa Cyr
705-222-1766 x3
Coordinator, Employer Engagement and Mentorships
Maryse Thamby, BA
705-222-1766 x7
Coordinator, Special Projects and Partnerships
Lois H. Kahng, BEng, CEIS
705-222-1766 x5
Career Services Officer
Angele Lafreniere, MA
705-222-1766 x1